Press Release Related to Regulated Information
The Company’s shareholders are invited to participate in the Annual and Extraordinary shareholders’ meeting that will take place:
Thursday June 9, 2016
Salons Hoche
9, avenue Hoche – 75008 Paris
The notice of meeting that set out the agenda and the resolutions was published on April 22, 2016 in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires (« BALO »). Another notice of meeting was published in the BALO on May 18, 2016 and in a legal gazette.
The preparatory documents translated into English are on the Company’s website ( in the following section: « Shareholder Relations – General meeting » and they are accessible from the homepage.
These documents are also available at the Rubis’ head office: 105 Avenue Raymond Poincaré, 75116 Paris – France. They can be requested by mail at the following address: Caceis Corporate Trust – Service Assemblées, 14 rue Rouget-de-Lisle, 92862 Issy-les-Moulineaux cedex 9.
105, avenue Raymond-Poincaré
75116 Paris – France
Phone. : +33 (0)1 44 17 95 95
Fax : +33 (0)1 45 01 72 49
Mail :
Partnership limited by shares with a capital of €108 198 172.50
784 393 530 RCS PARIS – Code APE 6420Z