12 June
- 14H00

2025 • Combined Annual Shareholders' Meeting
- Eurosites - 39, avenue de Wagram - 75017 Paris
- Brochure de convocation
- Document d'enregistrement universel
- Spécimen du formulaire de vote
- Demande de Compagnie Nationale de Navigation
- Attestation des Commissaires aux Comptes sur les informations communiquées dans le cadre de l’article L. 225-115 4° du Code de commerce pour l’exercice clos le 31 décembre 2023
- Lettre aux actionnaires #1 - Mai 2024
- Avis de réunion
- Nombre de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital à la date de publication de l’avis de réunion
- Demande de Dr. Sämann
- Attestation des Commissaires aux Comptes sur les informations communiquées dans le cadre de l’article L. 225-115 5° ainsi que la liste des actions nominatives de parrainage et de mécénat pour l’exercice clos le 31 décembre 2023
11 June
- 2.00 PM

2024 • Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting
- Eurosites - 39, avenue de Wagram - 75017 Paris
- Notice of meeting
- Letter to shareholders #1 - May 2024
- 2023 Universal Registration Document
- Disclosure of the total number of voting rights and of the number of shares making up the Company's capital
- Request from Dr. Sämann
- Slides – Shareholder’s Meeting – 11 June 2024
- Voting results - Ordinary Shareholders' meeting - 11 June 2024
08 June
- 2.00 PM

2023 • Combined Shareholders' Meeting
- Eurosites - 39, avenue de Wagram - 75017 Paris
09 June
- 2.00 PM

2022 • Combined Shareholders' Meeting
- Salons Hoche - 9, avenue Hoche - 75008 Paris
10 June
- 2.00 PM

2021 • Combined Shareholders' Meeting
- Se tiendra exceptionnellement à huis clos
- Notice of meeting
- Press release of publication of the 2020 Universal Registration Document
- Disclosure of the total number of voting rights and of the number of shares making up the Company's capital
- Items and/or draft resolutions submitted by shareholders
- Nombre total de droits de vote et d'actions composant le capital à la date de publication de l'avis de réunion
- Voting form
- Press release following Combined Shareholder’s Meeting
- Press release on conditions of the availability or the consultation related to the General Meeting of 10 June 2021
- Answers to written questions from shareholders
- Slide - Combined Shareholders' Meeting
- Voting results - Combined Shareholders' Meeting
9 December
- 2.00 PM

2020 • Combined Shareholders' Meeting
- Se tiendra exceptionnellement à huis clos
11 June
- 2.00 PM

2020 • Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting
- Arrangements for the ordinary shareholder's meeting of June 11, 2020
In light of the evolving circumstances tied to the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, and in accordance with the Order (Ordonnance) issued on March 25, 2020 under No. 2020-321 authorizing general meetings to be held without the presence of the shareholders and the persons entitled to attend them, the Rubis Ordinary Shareholder’s Meeting will exceptionally be held behind closed doors at the Company’s registered office located at 46 rue Boissière – 75116 Paris, without the physical attendance of the shareholders.
It will not be possible to satisfy any admission card requests from shareholders. Shareholders are invited to vote by mail using the voting / proxy form contained in the Notice of Meeting, which is also available on the Company’s website (www.rubis.fr/en/) under “Shareholders” – “General Meeting”.
The Ordinary Shareholder’s Meeting will be broadcast live on the Company’s website at 2pm (Paris time). It will also be taped for deferred viewing. It will not be possible to ask questions or to submit draft amendments or new resolutions during the Ordinary Shareholder’s Meeting. You may submit your questions in writing ahead of the Ordinary Shareholder’s Meeting, preferably by e-mail (ag@rubis.fr) ), making sure to enclose a document certifying the registration of your shares.
All the practical information is available on the Company’s website under “Investors” – « “Annual general meeting” ».
11 June
- 2.00 PM

2019 • Combined Shareholders' Meeting
- Salons Hoche - 9, avenue Hoche - 75008 Paris
7 June
- 2.00 PM

2018 • Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting
- Salons Hoche - 9, avenue Hoche - 75008 Paris
Résultats de l’Assemblée Générale
- Notice of meeting
- Agenda
- Management report
- Draft resolutions
- Supervisory board's reports
- Statutory auditor's reports on the separate and consolidated financial statements
- Special report of the Statutory Auditors on regulated agreements and commitments
- Statutory Auditor's report on the Supervisory Board's report on corporate governance
- Registration document
- Presentation of the Group
- Overview of activities
- Activity report
- Risk factors, internal control and insurance
- Corporate Social responsability
- Corporate governance
- Rubis' capital and shareholders
- General information about Rubis
- Financial statements
- Additional information
- Disclosure of the total number of voting rights and of the number of shares making up the Company’s capital
- Statutory Auditors' supplementary report on the issue of share warrants without preferential subscription rights
- Postal voting form
- Press release following OGM
- Supplementary report of the board of management
- Replies to written questions submitted by shareholders
- Slide - Ordinary General Meeting - 7 June 2018
- Voting outcome for each resolution
8 June
- 3.00 PM

2017 • Combined Shareholders' Meeting
- Salons Hoche - 9, avenue Hoche - 75008 Paris
- Notice of meeting
- Agenda
- Management Report
- Supervisory Board's report
- Report by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board
- Statutory Auditors' report on the report by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board
- Statutory Auditors' report on the consolidated and annual financial statements
- Statutory Auditors' report on regulated agreements and commitments
- Statutory Auditors' report on financial delegations
- Presentation of the draft resolution by Management and draft resolutions
- Registration document
- Securities transactions conducted by executive officers
- Management's special report on stock option, performance share and preferred share plans
- Authorizations and delegations of authority and powers in force
- Report of the independent third-party verification body regarding consolidated social, environmental and societal information
- Fees paid to the Statutory auditors
- Report of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board
- Disclosure of the total number of voting rights and shares making up the Company's capital
- Slides - Combined General Meeting - 8 June 2017
- The postal voting form
- Replies to written questions submitted by shareholders
- The list of agenda items and draft resolutions filed by shareholders
- Minutes of the General Meeting
9 June
- 10.00 AM

2016 • Combined Shareholders' Meeting
- Salons Hoche - 9, avenue Hoche - 75008 Paris
- Notice of meeting
- Agenda
- Management report
- Report of the Supervisory Board
- Statutory auditors’ reports on the consolidated and annual financial statements
- Statutory auditors’ report on regulated agreements and commitments
- Statutory auditors’ report on financial delegations
- Report of the shares auditor tasked with assessing the special benefits
- Draft resolution proposed at the Shareholder's Meeting
5 June
- 10.00 AM

2015 • Combined Shareholders' Meeting
- Salons Hoche - 9, avenue Hoche - 75008 Paris
- Notice of meeting
- Agenda
- Management report
- Report of the Supervisory Board
- Report prepared by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board
- Draft resolution proposed at the Shareholder's Meeting
- List of transactions on shares carried out by executive corporate officers
- Management's Special Report on stock options and performance shares
- Authorizations and delegations of authority granted to Management by the Annual and Extraordinary Shareholder's Meeting
- Report of the Independant verification body regarding the consolidated social, environmental and societal information
- Fees paid to the Statutory Auditors
- 2015 General meeting report
5 June
- 10.00 AM

2014 • Combined Shareholders' Meeting
- Salons Hoche - 9, avenue Hoche - 75008 Paris
7 June
- 10.00 AM

2013 • Combined Annual Shareholders' Meeting
- Salons Hoche - 9, avenue Hoche - 75008 Paris
7 June
- 10.00 AM

2012 • Combined Annual Shareholders' Meeting
- Salons Hoche - 9, avenue Hoche - 75008 Paris
- Rapport de gestion du Collège de la Gérance
- Rapports du Conseil de Surveillance et du Président du Conseil de Surveillance
- Liste récapitulative des opérations sur titres des dirigeants
- Rapport spécial de la Gérance sur les options de souscription d’actions et attributions d’actions de performance
- Autorisations / délégations de compétence et de pouvoir données par l’Assemblée Générale à la Gérance
- Rapport Financier Annuel – Document de Référence 2011
- Compte-rendu de l’Assemblée Générale Mixte du 7 juin 2012
7 June
- 10.00 AM

2011 • Combined Annual Shareholders' Meeting
- Salons Hoche - 9, avenue Hoche - 75008 Paris